Our Church Team

Jeff and Megan Webb

Lead Pastors

Jeff and Megan have been married since the summer of 2005 and have since grown their family to five with three children Liam, Sawyer and Isla. Moving to Chilliwack in 2012, Jeff and Megan both felt God’s deep love for His city and its people. They felt God calling them into ministry in 2015, never really imagining that they would be lead pastors. Their heart is to serve and follow the leadings of the Spirit and little “yeses” were the beginning. God has given them both such a love for His church and their passion is to see God’s kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven! Their deepest desire is to know God and encounter him each day. They have both experienced the transforming power of God‘s love in their lives. They know this power is available for everyone and that God wants for all people to know Him and encounter His love.

Contact Megan: mvinewebb@outlook.com

Contact Jeff: jvinewebb@outlook.com

Jeff Webb

Youth Ministry

Contact Jeff: jvinewebb@outlook.com

Erin Schartner

Kids Ministry Leader

Erin Schartner started attending Chilliwack Vineyard in 2000. After a four-year pilgrimage, she returned to her home church in the summer of 2022 with the intention of replanting her roots, grounding her children, and participating in community together. She is joined every other week by her two children Myla and Gustin Campbell. 

Erin is passionate about being an authentic follower of Jesus and what it means to be his disciple. She loves that Jesus sees the individual person, that he calls out their dignity and value, and in doing so he restores their humanity. She has a love for children and is intentional about ensuring each child feels seen and validated. Erin is excited to step into the role of Kid's Ministry Leader. Using her interest in language, Erin hopes to cultivate an exploration of God's word, the rich and deep meaning contained within it, and what it reveals about His character. She hopes this will inspire and motivate children to develop a deep, personal, intimate, and authentic relationship with God and a disciple of Jesus. 

Contact Erin: chillvinekids@outlook.com

Sam and Victoria Burton

Worship and Administration

Born and raised in New Zealand, Sam decided to make a visit to Canada permanent when he met Victoria at a mutual friend’s home-group in 2004. Sam and Victoria were married in 2006 and have three children: Aria, Joey & Lizzy.

Beginning on the ukulele at three years old, Sam has always had a gift for music which grew into a love for worship over the years. His heart is that everyone would come to understand that their voice matters and is an important part of community worship.

Sam and Victoria are passionate about prayer, authenticity and healthy church community.

Contact the office: chilvine@outlook.com


Young Adults Ministry

Contact the office: chilvine@outlook.com

Michael and Trudy Harris

Prayer Ministry Directors

Vern and Sue Tompke

Founding Pastor

If you’ve never met Vern and Sue Tompke, the three things you need to know about them is that they are passionate about God, passionate about their marriage and passionate about their family. Everything in their lives flows of these things: Gifted teachers, and abundantly artistic.

Vern and Susan met at UBC where they earned their degrees in Teaching and Teaching via Business. While they began working in the school system, over time God took them from teaching in the classroom to teaching in their home and in the Church. Vern began working as the Associate Pastor at the Penticton Vineyard in 1991.

In 1996 Vern and Sue were commissioned by the Penticton Vineyard to plant a Church in Chillwack, BC. Since 1996, the Chilliwack Vineyard has grown into a thriving part of Chilliwack including the addition of the Vineyard Community Centre in July of 2016. 

Whether teaching about the heart of God on Sunday morning, serving in the community, or helping men in recovery, Vern is passionate about extending the grace of God into peoples lives. Susan is currently a teacher in the public school system and is passionate about helping immigrant kids integrate into their new community.


Volunteer Team

The volunteer team at the Chilliwack Vineyard is comprised of many fantastic individuals who have lent their skills and abilities to making our services, small groups, and community outreaches run smoothly and effectively. We have volunteers serving as kids leaders, greeters, small group facilitators, sound and multimedia, worship team, janitorial crews, missions and many other areas of community engagement. We are so grateful to work with such an amazing team, we could not do it without them. 


Elders Team

Oversight for the leadership of the Chilliwack Vineyard is provided by our Team of Elders. This team is comprised of 8 individuals, many of whom have been faithfully serving in our church since we opened our doors. They provide spiritual and practical oversight as well as accountability for our team, the projects we invest time and energy into, and the direction we move in as a Church. As a team we strive to serve in a way that reflects biblical principles and invites transparency and accountability with those who provide oversight, and those we lead, our Team of Elders is a core piece of this value.

Our National Team

On a national level, the Chilliwack Vineyard is a part of Vineyard Churches of Canada; a local outworking of a nation-wide vision to have an ongoing encounter with Jesus, and actively partner with Him in reaching our community, our nation, and our world.  On a regional level, the leadership of the Vineyard Community Church is a part of the BC Regional Vineyard Team of Directors that operates under the National Vineyard. On a local level, the Chilliwack Vineyard is a part of the local Chilliwack Ministerial, a group of church’s that work together to facilitate community events and provide support for local pastors and congregations in the Fraser Valley. On a church level, our team is comprised of our lead pastors, kids leadership team, an extensive team of volunteers, and our team of elders proudly serving the community of Chilliwack, BC.