Vision Statement
Know God.
Here at the Chilliwack Vineyard we believe that the deepest need in the heart of all people is to know God. Knowing God is where it all starts, it is where all truth can be found. We are all trying to discover meaning and purpose for our lives and many of us are trying to “find ourselves”, but to truly find our meaning, purpose and identity we first need to know the One who knows us. When we truly know God, His heart, His character, His goodness and all that He is, everything else makes sense.
Everything that we do here at the Chilliwack Vineyard, and the ultimate goal we have is to know God and to encounter Him. This is at the root of everything we do. One encounter with the Lord can change everything. We believe that God wants to encounter everyone who comes through our front doors. Our desire is that everyone who comes to the Vineyard will encounter God and know Him. Encountering His presence and who He truly is transforms us into all that we were created to be, fulfilling our search for meaning, purpose and identity. When we know the One who knows us our deepest longings are met. When we know God and experience His love, it transforms us and when we experience this transforming love of God we begin to transform the world around us. The true purpose we were created for is to know God and to spread His glory, goodness and love throughout the whole earth so that others may know God and encounter Him. Each one of us has been created to know God and his son Jesus Christ and to be in relationship with him through his Holy Spirit.
1 John 5:20 says this:
“We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his son Jesus Christ he is the true God and eternal life.”

Key Values
There are many things we value at the Vineyard but three of our most important values are to be merciful, be expectant and be real.
We are merciful because God has been merciful to us. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour came to show the mercy of God (His compassion), to all people. He shows us that no matter who you are or what walk of life you are from that everyone needs to experience mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment, James 2:13.
We are an expectant church. God is always moving and He is always wanting to encounter us. His Holy Spirit dwells in the midst of us and because of that we are filled with faith and joy knowing that God will meet with us every time we gather. Jesus says “where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them”, Matthew 18:19.
Come Holy Spirit!
We place great importance on people being real. Authenticity is a huge value to us because relationships are a huge value to us. To really be known by God and each other and have deep meaningful relationships we need to be real with who we are and where we are at. We want people to be honest with where they are at in life, so come as you are, and God will meet you there.

Our Passions
As a church family we are passionate about:

Why Vineyard?
Have you ever wondered, "why are there so many churches?" or "If you all claim to be "Christians" why isn't there just one church?"
There are many deep theological answers to these questions, but one overly simplified analogy is this:
Everyone is looking for a place that feels like home. Every house has a foundation, walls, and a roof, but it is the people, the atmosphere, and the personalized touches that turn a building into a safe place that you want to come home to and make a life in. With churches, "personalized touches" can include style of teaching, worship, prayer, and what characteristics of God they focus on. This variety welcomes in the beauty of a God that created us in his image, but did not create us to be identical.
So What Is The Culture of The Vineyard Like?
Trying to explain the culture of a church in just a few paragraphs would leave a lot of holes, and we want to give you a clear understanding about what The Vineyard is. As we are a part of a larger Vineyard community you may want to visit Vineyard Canada to learn more about the Vineyard movement.